Hello, I'm
A color palette inspiration web application for users to visualize color palettes applied to demo templates, as gradients, and as text and background color combinations. Users can choose from a collection of curated color palettes, create their own from scratch, or generate random colors to create palettes.
Redux is used for efficient state mangement of color palette data retrieved from Firebase as well as the custom palettes stored in local storage.
An e-commerce plant shop that features an array of products, each with its own details page, an editable shopping cart, a favorites page with items that are favorited, payment processing handled by Stripe, and Google or email account creation and login.
Redux and memoization are used for efficient state management of user authentication, shop products, favorited items and shopping cart, and redux-saga is used in the handling of asynchronous actions.
A fully-functional blog developed with Django that features user authentication, a WYSIWYG rich text editor, an admin dashboard and comment sections, and supports CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete blog posts). All authenticated users are able to leave comments for blog posts, but only admin users are able to create, edit and delete blog posts.
User and blog post data are stored in/retrieved from a PostgreSQL database, and media are stored in AWS S3.
I'm Jessica, a Boston-based software engineer with a passion for creating aesthetic and user-friendly digital experiences. As a former R&D cosmetic chemist, I love working with color and I have a knack for thinking out of the box to find creative solutions to problems.
My journey in web development began as a young adult during the days of Xanga, Tumblr, and Asian Avenue when I customized my own webpages and even implemented some JavaScript to prevent people from right-clicking and "stealing" my source code or images/gifs. I rediscovered my love for web development a few years ago and since then I have also expanded my knowledge and skillset to include two programming languages, fullstack development, webscraping, automation, and RESTful API development.
When I'm not coding and building things on the web, I enjoy playing Tetris 99 and other video games, solving logic puzzles, exploring new places, and going out for bubble tea with friends.
If you'd like to chat about any job opportunities you may have available or cool projects you think we should collaborate on, feel free to contact me! You can connect with me on social media, by email, or by sending me a message here.